If you’re reading this, you’ve already noticed that the website looks very different! As much as I love the Graph Paper Press templates, I felt like it was time for a change, so after a few days of looking at various designs (and trying out a few), I’ve settled on this new template from Theme Forest. So far I think it’s a good refreshing change, and the cool new logo that Tex from Graphix by Tex helped me with looks […]
Thanks to the wonderfulness that is SmugMug‘s new “Show Off” feature, I’ve updated my portfolio pages with SmugMug’s new Flash-powered slide show. I also have to thank RJ DeGuzman for showing me where to find it! I find this new Flash-powered slide show to be a lot less clunky than the previous one I was using, plus since it’s powered by SmugMug, it’s extremely easy to update and I don’t have to upload photos to multiple places. I also updated […]