Tag:graph paper press

New website design and new upcoming features

If you’re reading this, you’ve already noticed that the website looks very different!  As much as I love the Graph Paper Press templates, I felt like it was time for a change, so after a few days of looking at various designs (and trying out a few), I’ve settled on this new template from Theme Forest.  So far I think it’s a good refreshing change, and the cool new logo that Tex from Graphix by Tex helped me with looks […]

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New look for ArminAusejo.com

It’s a new year (happy new year again to everyone), so I decided it was time for a fresh start with a lot of things.  The first of these things was my website.  I put a lot of work into the old template, but no matter what I did, it just seemed so cluttered and less than professional.  I started searching for a new template for WordPress and came upon the templates at Graph Paper Press.   I ended up using […]

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