June 9, 2016
The Griffin Interview
I recently received an email from Griffin Brugger, a student at Seattle's The Center School, asking if I'd be willing to do an interview...
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December 22, 2014
2014 Year in Review
What a year, 2014 was! I may not have taken as many photos as I had in previous years, but I’d say the quality...
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October 5, 2014
Nikon D810 Review
Four years ago, I made the switch to full frame, upgrading from my trusty Nikon D300 to the Nikon D700. By the time I...
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December 24, 2013
2013 Year in Review
2013 was a very successful and productive year for my photography. Check out all of the different things that I've photographed this year!
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December 26, 2012
2012 Year in Review
In terms of my photography, I’d have to say that 2012 was a pivotal, life-changing year for me. I learned a lot of new...
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Copyright 2022 by Armin Ausejo Photography