Rheena’s Porsche 911

It’s always great to reunite with friends you haven’t seen in awhile. I’ve known Rheena and Randy for more than 15 years through the car show scene, and we share a bunch of mutual friends and acquaintances in the local car community. When she contacted me to ask me to take photos of her new car, I was more than happy to oblige. She and Randy decided to paint the car Audi’s Nardo Grey, which really stands out since it’s a pretty rare color among Audis, much less in the Porsche world. Randy also custom built the exhaust, which sounds absolutely fantastic. I think I want one now! Enjoy the photos!

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Copyright 2022 by Armin Ausejo Photography
[…] The Pacific Northwest had a beautiful Spring, and I took advantage of it with a trip up to Vancouver, BC and some photos around Seattle. We concluded the very end of Spring with a fantastic photoshoot of Rheena and Randy’s Porsche 911. […]