Bugeye for Life
The old girl’s still got it! It’s been a long time since I’ve driven my WRX, “EVA-00” or “Eva” for short. She typically spends her days in my garage now that she’s been a few years retired now from the car show scene, but with my friend Kyle “KP” Pope in town bringing dry skies from Arizona, it was a perfect opportunity to take her out to stretch her legs. Plus, since I hadn’t really picked up my camera since November, I was definitely itching for some therapeutic photography to get my head back into a good place.
My friends always joke about me selling her, and to be totally honest, I would entertain the right offer, so if you have one, definitely shoot me an email. Just keep in mind that there’s a ton of sentimental value involved here, so don’t expect any lowballs to work out in your favor. In any case, many thanks to Kyle Pope for shooting along side and suggesting some locations and ideas.
[…] hadn’t shot my Subaru in awhile, and thanks to a surprise visit from Kyle Pope, we drove five minutes from my house down to Magnuson Park to take advantage of the sunny January […]