Project One 5-Year Anniversary

On September 1, 2004, a car show club was started at The Ram in University Village. Born out of the ashes of Team Intrinsic, this car club’s sole purpose was to have a good, familiar group of friends that loved to show off their cars at car shows in an organized team. Founding members Armin H. Ausejo, Wence Estrada, Emily Raforth, Russell Rogers, Sasha Skalatsky, Suzy Spradlin, and Kevin Wise forged “Project One” out of The Ram’s beer sampler, Mongo Margaritas, and supposedly Mexican cooks who didn’t know how to make a quesadilla, at least according to the waitress. These individuals simply wanted to keep a good thing going after recent car show success, and it’s unlikely that any of them had any idea where Project One would end up today.
Photos and more:
5 Years of Project One in 24 min:
Project One 5-Year Anniversary Slideshow from Armin H. Ausejo on Vimeo.
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So I’m not a founding member just cause I wasn’t at the meeting? Lol :p
Actually…yes 🙂 haha…it wasn’t a meeting, it was “OMG Intrinsic is dead, let’s get drunk”
Also, Jeffro sucked.